Web Page Assignment

Professional/Teaching Web Page


You will be creating a web page that highlights your professional teaching philosophy and skills using a Website Design Program (MS FrontPage, Netscape Communicator, etc.).  This website will consist of four pages: a home page, a resume page, a teaching philosophy, and an electronic portfolio of materials developed in this course.


You will publish this website to www.Geocities.com or www.Angelfire.com.  Each page will be graded separately, as well as jointly for an overall grade, based on the Web Evaluation sheet used in the website evaluation project.




General Site Requirements:

            Each page:

Ø                              Should be linked to Home Page

Ø                              Include a minimum of 2 outside links

Ø                              Include a minimum of 2 horizontal bars

Ø                              Include a minimum of 3 graphics (not required of resume page unless desired)

Ø                              Include a minimum of 2 heading styles

Ø                              Make it visually appealing as well as consistent throughout the website


Home Page Requirements - Make sure it is personalized

Ø      This page should welcome the reader to your website.  Break up this page using a TABLE with the following:

o       Introduce yourself – give general background

o       Purpose of the Website

o       Your interest (in general)

o       Future plans (use a table)

Ø      Include a Signature

o       Your Name (Hot linked to your email address)

o       Temple University

o       Date last updated


*****Make sure you inform the reader what browser and resolution to use*****


Resume page requirements hint (ms word has a resume template)

This page should be a personalized resume of your real work history and background geared toward getting you a teaching assignment.

Electronic Portfolio of materials Developed in this Course

Ø      Provide in-depth descriptions/discussions of a minimum of 3 materials developed in this course (Hint: Reflective Journals).  It should be for perspective employer use during the interview process.

Ø      Add links to a clubs, organizations, or web sites of interest to you or your development

Ø      FOR EXTRA CREDIT – include appropriate images/photos taken by you


Philosophy of Teaching

What is a philosophy of teaching?

A philosophy of teaching is a written statement that can be used to initiate, evaluate, and define your personal vision about teaching and education.  It is used to provide you with goals in addition to providing the means to accomplish those goals.  It serves as a road map, as well as a lighthouse, for you to follow as you develop your profession.  It is a living, breathing document that grows and changes as you develop in your profession.  It is a powerful tool that can be used by you or others to define you, your thoughts, and values within the profession of teaching.


What is the purpose of developing a philosophy of teaching?

Gail Goodyear and Douglas Allchin, in their study of the functions of statement of teaching philosophy (Goodyear and Allchin, 1998), identify three main purposes:

  1. For teachers themselves: “In preparing a statement of teaching philosophy, professors assess and examine themselves to articulate the goals they wish to achieve in teaching....  A clear vision of teaching philosophy provides stability, continuity, and long-term guidance....  A well-defined philosophy can help them remain focused on their teaching goals and to appreciate the personal and professional rewards of teaching.”  (pp. 106-7)


  1. For administrators: “University administrators are responsible for guiding the faculty’s professional growth and achievement,  Yet, professors help shape the university with their own ambitions, values, philosophies, attitudes, and ethical beliefs.”  (pp. 107-8)


  1. For students: “...students should understand what a professor is doing and why.  Given this information, students may engage more productively in the learning environment while also knowing how to learn and succeed in the course....  The goal of sharing a statement of teaching philosophy is to respect and support students by being explicit.”  (pp. 109)


For ideas on how to write a Teaching Philosophy statement, see: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~teachcen/WUTC/TA/teach_phil.html


For examples of Teaching Philosophies as part of faculty Teaching Portfolios from around the country see: http://ftad.osu.edu/portfolio/philosophy/


Again, remember to spell check, proofread, and use creativity.  Avoid using too many graphics or inappropriate graphics and making the site look too busy.  Choose attractive colors that match your theme. 

GOOD LUCK! - Syllabus